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Small Business CRM

Small Business CRM

Build Customer Relationships & Provide Excellent Services

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What our users say


Budget-Friendly Solution For Complete Automation

Business Processes and Daily Tasks Under Control

Consolidate jobs, tasks, sales activities, and inventory into a single customer base. Keep customer service history, streamline job processing workflows, and monitor stock levels of goods in one work order management system. Use reports to assess the efficiency and performance of each process and team member.

Автоматизуйте облік та операційні завдання

Best-Performing Team

Start with a small team and add new employees as you grow—Orderry will adapt as you need it. Set up user roles, limit access to sensitive information, and track users’ activity in the program. Automate payroll calculation and accrual and implement an incentive system to encourage your employees to do more and better for your company.

Контролюйте та мотивуйте співробітників

More Time For Business Growth

Orderry saves business owners and employees time on routine tasks, paperwork, and analytics. Use the freed-up time, accurate data, and report insights to scale your business. Don’t worry, you won’t need to migrate to bigger CRMs because Orderry will grow with you. You can add as many employees and locations as your business requires and move from an essential feature set for just-starting out companies to a powerful toolkit for enterprise-level organizations.

Розвивайте бізнес ефективніше

See how Orderry can help to digitize and streamline your business operations

Sales Leads Converted to Deals


Capture potential customers’ requests from different channels into a single database. Let leads move through your sales funnel smoothly and convert them into profitable work orders and sales.


Keep records of customer interactions, control deadlines, and collect reviews to keep customers coming back.


Sell products from your stock in minutes and analyze the average sale and profit.

Sales Leads Converted to Deals
Окремі ланцюжки статусів

Individual status chains

Контроль термінів виконання

Control of deadlines

Історія змін замовлень

Deal management

Автоматичний розрахунок вартості

Automatic cost calculation

Helping service businesses like yours

Time-Saving Business Intelligence

Time-Saving Business Intelligence

To achieve your long-term business goals, numbers must guide you, not guessing and intuition. Generate more than 20 reports on finances, work orders, sales, marketing campaigns, and inventory in a few clicks.

Instead of boring spreadsheets, track KPIs on the Orderry Dashboard and the Business Insights mobile app in real-time and retrospectively. Adjust your company's budget, keep your cash flow positive, and make informed decisions.

Звіти за будь-який період

Your central source of analytics

Друк та експорт звітів в Excel

Print and export reports to Excel

Ключові дані завжди під рукою

KPIs at your fingertips

Більше часу на розвиток

Timely adjustments based on data

Profitable Stock

Any goods in your stock are business expenses that should pay off and increase your profits.


Post, transfer, and write off products from stock in Orderry to track their entire transfer history.


Perform stocktaking in 4 convenient ways to identify missing items and take action in time.


Analyze assortment turnover, demand, and margin to adjust your pricing for better profitability.

Profitable Stock

Transfer history of every item


4 methods of stocktaking


Serial accounting and barcoding


Timely purchase of goods

Ready to trial Orderry? Sign up now to get 7-day access to all features!

Payment Records in CRM

Payment Records in CRM

Make cash and non-cash payments, accept prepayments, and issue refunds to customers and suppliers via Orderry’s virtual cashboxes. Simplify financial management and improve customer experiences.


Simple cash flow accounting with detailed reporting


Cash and non-cash payments


Quoting and invoicing


Deferred payment against the balance

Easy-To-Generate Documents

Empower your sales reps, managers, and customer service teams with time-saving tools like document templates, preset service directories, and custom forms with autofill fields. No need to enter data manually, search for customer profiles in databases, or worry about human errors.

Get started free

Спростіть роботу з документацією
Дані автоматично підставляють в документи

Auto-filling document fields with work order and sales data

Свій набір необхідної документації

Custom document templates for each location

Integrations For More Automation

Integrations For More Automation

Every Team Member Benefits From Using Orderry


Having a business CRM as a single source of information provides complete control, transparency, and mobility.


Streamlined sales processes, automated calculations, and reduced risk of human errors boost the efficiency of technical, sales, and marketing teams.


All reports and performance metrics are always at hand to inform your decision-making.

Every Team Member Benefits From Using Orderry

Business Insights App

Track KPIs, monitor deals, view customer ratings and stay in touch with employees via the mobile application for owners and executives.

Business Insights App
Work Orders App

Work Orders App

View clients’ data, process work orders, add photos and comments, accept payments, update statuses, and communicate with customers and managers via the Work Orders App for field services.

Everything You Need For a Quick Start

Персональный менеджер

Help Center

Self-serving database of
step-by-step guides and FAQ

Служба поддержки

Customer Support

Technical assistance via
chat, email, and phone

База знаний

Video Tutorials

Orderry in action
on our YouTube channel


Setup Services

Dedicated support team

…and Even More

Choose your industry when signing up to save time on account configuration with settings already set for you:

Довідники брендів та моделей пристроїв

Directories of brands and models of devices, equipment, vehicles and other products that customers bring in for service or rent

Перелiк послуг, несправностей, комплектації

A list of services, malfunctions, and other data that will help you speed up work order processing

Форми для різних типів замовлень

Forms for various types of work orders and templates of printed documents by business specifics and legal requirements

See how Orderry can help to digitize and streamline your business operations

4 More Reasons To Sart Using Orderry

Доступ з будь-якої точки світу

Access from anywhere

Orderry is a cloud-based service that allows you to work on any device from anywhere.

Швидке впровадження

Suitable for non-tech users

The web and mobile apps offer a user-friendly interface, helping non-tech employees quickly get used to the service.

Гнучкість налаштувань

Flexible settings

Make your daily processes safe and comfortable with advanced access rights settings and various customizable options.

Регулярні оновлення

Regular updates

New features and updates are launched monthly without interrupting your operation.


What is Customer relationship management software?


A customer relationship management (CRM) solution is a business application used to manage customer relationships, optimize sales processes, enhance marketing activities, automate workflows, and analyze data. It enables organizations to streamline operations, automate contact management, improve customer service, and maximize profits. This software is also essential to marketing automation workflows, allowing businesses to capture leads from different sources, structure data, and personalize promotional messages.

How do I choose a CRM solution for small and midsize businesses?


Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision when analyzing different options of business CRMs on the market:

1. Define Your Needs. The first step is to define what needs your CRM should meet for your specific business. Consider what benefits you’re looking for in a CRM system and evaluate the various features of each option against that criteria. This will help narrow your selection and ensure you choose the best product for your organization’s needs.

2. Look For Ease Of Use. Your team may not have time or resources to get up-to-speed on a complex CRM platform; therefore, it’s a good idea to select a flexible but easy-to-use program that requires minimal effort from all involved user groups - managers, administrators, and technicians. Also, look for tutorials or detailed “how-tos” if necessary.

3. Review Customization And Integration Options. No two businesses are exactly alike – even within the same industry – so it is crucial to determine whether there are third-party integrations within the software, such as accounting systems, eCommerce platforms, or email marketing tools. If integration doesn't exist, then check that there is an API available allowing custom integrations.

4. Get User Feedback. Getting feedback from existing users (or potential users) helps gauge how different vendors fit within your unique environment. User reviews can also help determine if vendors offer sufficient support service, FAQ pages & self-service resources, etc., to solve unexpected issues during day-to-day operations.

Which of Orderry’s subscription plans is most suitable for small businesses?


If you are just beginning your entrepreneurial journey, you may start with the Hobby plan—a basic plan with two employees and one location included in the subscription. It is also limited to 100 work orders/sales per month and access to some features. For larger businesses, there are two affordable plans—Startup and Business— in Orderry, which provide more possibilities for building a team and expanding to more locations. If your business requires more than 150 users, choose the Enterprise plan with an unlimited feature set, premium support options, and up to 1500 users per month.

How do I manage customers in small businesses?


In today’s competitive business landscape, one of the keys to small business success is how well you manage customers. Handling customer inquiries and maintaining quality relationships effectively is vital to the growth of any small business. Here are a few steps to manage your small business customers more efficiently:

1. Build Lasting Relationships. This means investing time and energy into building trust so your customers feel comfortable doing business with you repeatedly. One way to do this is by engaging them in conversation, getting to know their needs, keeping up-to-date on their interests, and providing helpful tips or advice when possible.

2. Offer Customized Solutions. When dealing with customer complaints or concerns, it’s vital to have an individualized approach and offer customized solutions tailored to the needs of each customer. They should feel like they are getting a one-on-one experience when they contact your company and that their problems or requests are being taken seriously.

3. Set Clear Expectations From The Outset. It's very important for you and your customers that expectations are set right from the beginning about tasks, timelines, and budgets for projects, payment terms for services, etc. Doing this upfront lets both parties know what is expected from them and prevents conflicts.

4. Automate Communication When Possible. This is essential for reducing manual work associated with customer management tasks such as answering inquiries or providing updates on work orders etc., As a growing number of clients are turning online for customer service, it's wise for businesses to invest in an automated system that will enable you to communicate effectively with your customers based on what stage of your sales pipeline they are currently on, track deal records, and use marketing features for timely promotions without additional labor costs.

  1. Orderry
  2. Small Business CRM